Member Photo Night

June 5, 2023 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Online only
Vicki King, WOS Program Coordinator

Share Your Photos: Member Photo Night!

(“virtual” monthly meeting via Zoom)

Monday, June 5, 2023

Our final WOS Monthly Meeting of the season will be “Member Photo Night,” when favorite and new birding sites and insights are shared via the diverse and entertaining birding experiences of our members.

Photographer Members, thank you in advance for sharing your camera skills and talents as story tellers! Please do some birding on your hard drive, and step up to share some of your favorite bird photos: we’d love to learn about your encounters and anecdotes!

Guidelines for those interested in participating:

Please send an email by May 21 to Elaine with “WOS Member Photo Night” in the subject line.

Please include your full name . (Elaine will then contact you)

On June 5, we will take turns via Zoom using “share screen.”

Please plan to limit your presentation to 8 minutes (to include show and tell)

Ideally, each presenter will present their own photos via Zoom and their computer equipped with microphone and camera.

For information about how to watch the program on June 5, please visit WOS’s Monthly Meetings Page.

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