Please report sightings to the researchers.
We are conducting an inventory of Bank Swallow breeding colonies in western Washington. We’re seeking information on the locations of colonies (as exact as possible so that we can visit the sites), dates visited, and numbers of burrows that you may have counted. Thus far, almost all known colonies have been reported in the counties flanking the western Cascades, thus we’re especially interested in learning about sites present in Pacific, Wahkiakum, Clark, Grays Harbor, Mason, Kitsap, Jefferson, Clallam, Island, and San Juan counties. Please send your colony records to Gary Wiles at
Colored leg bands (Peregrine Falcons, Gyrfalcons, Bald Eagles, and Common Ravens) and wing tags (Turkey Vultures) have been placed on birds at beaches at Ocean Shores, Grayland, and the Long Beach Peninsula. Please note band or tag code, color, date, time, and location. Report sightings by email to Dan Varland at or by phone at (360) 591-5959. For information on how to make a donation to the nonprofit research and education organization Coastal Raptors, go to
Site Fidelity and Breeding Dispersal Study
Color VID bands – purple bands on males left leg and orange bands on female right legs – placed on recently fledged juvenile Cooper’s Hawks in Seattle. This is a continuation of the long-term study on Cooper’s Hawks initiated by Jack Bettesworth, who placed blue VID bands on many urban nesting Cooper’s Hawks. Report details on sightings (time, place, number/letter combination on bands) to Ed Deal at
The Coastal Forest Merlin Project invites you to participate in a regional citizen-scientist investigation of the little-known Coastal Forest Merlin. Please visit our evolving website: and help our national educational programs on behalf of Merlin. We gratefully acknowledge your year-round Merlin observations and ask that you share photos and insights toward a national book publication with full acknowledgment. You can also contribute to this research by contacting researcher David Drummond at or at PO Box 4123, Bellingham WA 98227.
Call for resightings of color banded merlins in Seattle and surrounding suburbs for a study investigating annual breeding and wintering site fidelity and movements, and juvenile dispersal. Merlins have been banded with red bands or blue bands. Red bands are coded with two digit white numbers and will be read left to right and have a white dot separating the two-digit numbers encircling the band. Blue bands are coded with two character letters, stacked vertically, and will be read top to bottom. If you spot these banded birds, please report them to Ben Vang-Johnson by email at or Kim McCormick at or by calling 206-276-1095. Please note band color, band code, date, and specific location (such as a street address, intersection, or GPS coordinates). Even partial information on band code will be useful.
Site fidelity and breeding dispersal study. Black bands with white number/letter combinations have been placed on nestling and adult Peregrine Falcons for the last 30 years in the Seattle area. Seattle birds have been found as far away as Vancouver BC and Los Angeles, CA. Number/letter relationships on bands are possible to read with a spotting scope (and luck). Note date and location. Report to Ed Deal at
The Olympic Vulture Study is currently working on the demographics of our Pacific Northwest vultures. Any sightings from British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho will be welcomed. As always, date, location, and number of birds is needed. If possible, report weather, time, and any aspect of behavior. Please email your sightings information to Diann MacRae at or send by postal mail to 22622 – 53rd Avenue SE, Bothell, WA 98021 or call 425-481-2797.
The San Juan Islands Western Bluebird Reintroduction Project has placed colored leg bands on birds translocated to San Juan Island during the breeding season and on chicks hatched since 2008. Each leg has a unique combination of four bands (3 colored, one aluminum) to assist in monitoring birds during this five-year study. Please note the color combination for each leg, date, and observed location, and send information by email to Kathleen Foley Lewis, conservation project manager of the San Juan Preservation Trust, sponsor of the reintroduction effort, at The San Juans project is a part of a regional reintroduction effort. Those who see banded Western Bluebirds in the Puget Trough or South Sound regions should report the sighting to Gary Slater, Ecostudies Institute, at
To add your study to this site, please contact the webmaster at