Seattle’s Expanding Cooper’s Hawk Population

May 2, 2022 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Online only
Vicki King, WOS Program Coordinator

WOS Monthly Meeting, May 2, Monday, 7:30 pm, Ed Deal to present a 10-Year Retrospective on Seattle’s Expanding Urban Cooper’s Hawk Population

The Washington Ornithological Society is delighted to invite you to our May Monthly Meeting when Ed Deal will share what he and a group of volunteers in the Seattle Cooper’s Hawk Project have learned about these common but elusive raptors through 10 years of monitoring them in Seattle.

Thirty years ago Cooper’s Hawks began colonizing urban and suburban landscapes throughout the US, developing a tolerance for living in proximity to humans. The Seattle Cooper’s Hawk Project is one of several studies in large US cities and the only all-volunteer, community science project. Since 2012 the group has monitored the local Cooper’s Hawk population nesting density and annual nest productivity.

In 1991 Ed was introduced to the fascinating world of raptors when he signed up for a Hawk ID class with Bud Anderson. It proved to be a mid-life-changing event, leading to hawk banding in WA state and beyond; 17 years of volunteering on the Falcon Research Group’s study of nesting Peregrine Falcons in the San Juan Islands; 28 years of monitoring & banding nesting Peregrines in the Seattle area; and, of course, his work monitoring Seattle’s Cooper’s Hawks.

When? Monday, May 2, 7:30 pm (sign-in begins at 7:15 pm)

WOS Monthly Meetings remain open to all as we continue to welcome the wider birding community to join us online.
For login information, go to  While there, if you are not yet a member of WOS, I hope you will consider becoming one.
Please join us!

Vicki King
WOS Program Coordinator

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