The Washington Ornithological Society (WOS) invites you to join us on April 4 when Evergreen State College Emeritus
Professor Jeff Antonelis-Lapp will present Special Birds of Mt. Rainier.
To most birders, Mount Rainier National Park is a mecca for subalpine and alpine birds that include Canada (Gray) Jay,
Clark’s Nutcracker, Mountain Bluebird, and highly sought-after specialties that include Boreal Owl, White-tailed Ptarmigan,
and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. But did you know that it and its neighboring watersheds host Northern Spotted Owl, Marbled
Murrelet, and Streaked Horned Lark, all protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act? Jeff will share the status of
these key species based on Tahoma and Its People, the natural history of Mount Rainier that he wrote and the Washington
State University Press published.
Jeff’s connection to Mt. Rainier is long and deep. In addition to extensive research he conducted for his book, Jeff worked
two summers at “the Mountain” after graduating from college. He has summited it, hiked all of its mapped trails, and
completed the 93-mile Wonderland Trail five times.
When? Monday, April 4, 7:30 pm via Zoom (Sign-in begins at 7:15 pm),
WOS Monthly Meetings remain open to all as we continue to welcome the wider birding community to join us online.
For login information, go to While there, if you are not yet a member of
WOS, I hope you will consider becoming one.
Please join us!
Vicki King
WOS Program Coordinator