Jason Fidorra will present ”Washington’s Ferruginous Hawks: Status and Ecology” Online only via Zoom.
The Ferruginous Hawk, Buteo regalis, is North America’s largest hawk, with populations in decline over most of its range. Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Staff and volunteers monitor over 275 historic breeding sites of this raptor: based upon their state-wide surveys, the Ferruginous Hawk was up-listed in 2021 to an endangered species in Washington. In this talk, Jason Fidorra will discuss the ecology, threats, survey results, and future of the Ferruginous Hawk in Washington.
Jason has worked on bird research and conservation projects across North America and enjoys birding and guiding in tropical countries. He is a Wildlife Biologist for the WDFW in the Tri-Cities working on the front lines of shrub-steppe conservation which is critical habitat for many of Washington’s species of greatest concern. He surveys a variety of wildlife from elk to monarchs and contributes to research on Burrowing Owls, raptors and game birds.