The WBRC normally meets annually in October, but often also circulates an ‘interim’ packet half way between meetings. This allows the committee to process a number of reports where it is relatively easy to reach consensus without discussion. Because the committee does not meet in person to discuss these reports, a greater level of voting consensus is required to ‘accept’ or ‘not accept’ a report. Many reports will be carried over until the October meeting for final deliberations.
14 received seven yes votes, and are thus passed w/o need for further discussion.
11 received seven yes votes, but other issues remained outstanding and final outcomes will be deferred for further discussion in the fall (see notes, below).
6 received four or more ‘no’ votes, and are thus not accepted.
16 reports were deferred for more consideration at the fall meeting.
2 new species is added to the state list: Dusky-capped Flycatcher and Field Sparrow
This brings the official Washington State Checklist to 517 species, including 496 species fully accredited (supported by specimen, photograph, or recording) and 21 species which are sight-only records (supported only by written documentation).
Votes in parentheses (# accepted, # not accepted, # abstain)
[Notations: p=photo, v = video, a = audio, s = sketch]
EMGO-2016-1, Emperor Goose – 12/11-27/2016, Three Crabs, Dungeness, Clallam County, Bob Boekelheide [w, p], John Gatchet [w, p], Alex Patia [p], Brian Pendleton [p], Jason Vassallo [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
FADU-2017-1, Falcated Duck – 1/15-17/2017, Padilla Bay, Skagit County, Gary Bletsch [w, p], Richard Klawitter [w,p], Michael Charest [p], Joshua Glant [p], Eric Heisey [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Grace & Ollie Oliver [p], Jordan Roderick [p], Doug Schurman [p], Gregg Thompson [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
SBGU-2017-1, Slaty-backed Gull – 1/12-19/2017, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Bill Tweit [w], Michael Barry [p], John Gatchet [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0; OTHER = 0).
SNEG-2016-2, Snowy Egret – 9/30/2016, Ridgefield NWR, Clark County, Linda Steider [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
DCFL-2016-1, Dusky-capped Flycatcher – 11/16-21/2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Matt Bartels [w], Keith Brady [w,p], Robert Flores [w, p], Randy Hill [w], Blair Bernson [p], William Brooks [p], Charlie Wright [p, a] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0). STATE FIRST RECORD
PROW-2016-1, Prothonotary Warbler – 11/5/2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Matt Bartels [w], Mike Resch [w], Brad Waggoner [w, p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
BLBW-2016-3, Blackburnian Warbler – 10/9/2016, Birch Bay Village, Blaine, Whatcom County, Robert and Virginia Small [w,p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
FISP-2016-1, Field Sparrow – 10/29/2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Scott Downes [w], Jordan Gunn [w, p], Eric Heisey [w, p], Tom Mansfield [p], Teri Martine [p], Dennis Paulson [p], Doug Schurman [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0). STATE FIRST RECORD
RFSP-2016-1, Red Fox Sparrow – 10/21/2016, Yakima Arboretum, Yakima County, Denny Granstrand [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
RFSP-2016-2, Red Fox Sparrow – 12/19-23/2016, Gig Harbor, Pierce County, Melissa Sherwood [w, p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
RFSP-2017-1, Red Fox Sparrow – 1/25-2/7/2017, 10323 3rd Ave NW, Seattle, King County, Sarah Peden [w, p], Jordan Gunn [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Doug Schurman [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
RFSP-2017-2, Red Fox Sparrow – 2/3-12/2017, Bingen School Inn, Bingen, Klickitat County, Stuart Johnston [w] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
RUBU-2016-2, Rustic Bunting – 12/6-12/2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Matt Bartels [w], Cara Borre [w, v], Michael Hobbs [w], Adrianne Akmajian [p], Michael Charest [p], John Gatchet [p], Eric Heisey [p], Ryan Merrill [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
SUTA-2016-1, Summer Tanager – 11/29-12/4/2016, west of Mount Vernon, Skagit Flats, Skagit County, Gary Bletsch [w, p], Bill Tweit [w], Whittier Johnson [p], Ryan Merrill [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
ACCEPTED RECORDS W/ CAVEATS: For the following records, identification was confirmed by the votes, but additional issues remain before settling. After resolving the outstanding issues in the fall, some of these reports might yet be merged together.
COEI-2017-1, Common Eider – 1/6 – into at least May 2017, Purdy Spit, Pierce County, William Brooks [v], Joshua Glant [p], Eric Heisey [p], Liam Hutcheson [p], Jeff Mills [p], Grace & Ollie Oliver [p], Mary Pearse & Richard Smethurst [p], Carol Riddell [p], Chris Rurik [p], Doug Schurman [p], Ryan Shaw [p], Jason Vassallo [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whether this species can be identified to subspecies at the Fall 2017 meeting.
SBGU-2016-3, Slaty-backed Gull – 11/12/2016 – 1/21/2017, Bateman Island Marina, Kennewick, Benton County, Philip Bartley [w], James Cleaver [w, p, v], Lisa Hill [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whether this appears to represent the same individual as accepted in SBGU-2016-1.
SNEG-2016-3, Snowy Egret – 11/4-8/2016, Orting, Pierce County, Peter Wimberger [w, p], Mike Resch [w, p], Mike Charest [p], (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0; OTHER = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whethter this appears to represent the same individual as accepted in SNEG-2016-1.
BGGN-2016-1, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 10/7/2016, Neah Bay – Jetty, Clallam County, Brad Waggoner [w, p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2017 meeting. In addition, for this report the committee will continue to discuss whether a subspecies identity can be determined.
BGGN-2016-2, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 10/16-29/2016, Neah Bay – town, Clallam County, Adrianne Akmajian [p], Hope Anderson [p], Michael Barry [p], John Gatchet [p], Jordan Gunn [p], Eric Heisey [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Alex Patia [p], Dennis Paulson [p], Doug Schurman [p], Brad Waggoner [p], (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2017 meeting. In addition, for this report the committee will continue to discuss whether a subspecies identity can be determined.
BGGN-2016-3, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 10/31 – 12/1/2016, Neah Bay – Ba’adah Village, Clallam County, Blair Bernson [p], John Gatchet [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Charlie Wright [a] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2017 meeting. In addition, for this report the committee will continue to discuss whether a subspecies identity can be determined.
BGGN-2016-4, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 11/3 – 12/5/2016, Neah Bay – town, Clallam County, Michael Barry [p], Blair Bernson [p], John Gatchet [p], Eric Heisey [p], Ryan Merrill[p], Carol Riddell [p], Doug Schurman [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2017 meeting. In addition, for this report the committee will continue to discuss whether a subspecies identity can be determined.
DICK-2016-2, Dickcissel – 10/17-18/2016, Butler’s Feeders, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Hope Anderson [w, p], Michael Barry [p], John Gatchet[p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whether or not combine this record with the following one, DICK-2016-3 at the Fall 2017 meeting.
DICK-2016-3, Dickcissel – 10/20-23/2016, Wa’atch Beach Feeders, Neah Bay , Clallam County, Adrianne Akmajian [p], Jon Isacoff [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Alex Patia [p], Brian Pendleton [p], Shep Thorp [p], Brad Waggoner [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whether or not combine this record with the preceding one, DICK-2016-2 at the Fall 2017 meeting.
OROR-2016-1, Orchard Oriole – 10/28 – 11/5/2016, Neah Bay [in town, then Ba’adah], Clallam County, Mike Resch [w], Brad Waggoner [w,p], John Gatchet [p], Jordan Gunn [p], Eric Heisey [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Doug Schurman [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whether or not combine this record with the following one, OROR-2016-2 at the Fall 2017 meeting.
OROR-2016-2, Orchard Oriole – 10/28 -11/22/2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Mike Resch [w], John Gatchet [p], Blair Bernson [p] (YES = 7; No = 0; ABSTAIN = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss whether or not combine this record with the preceding one, OROR-2016-1 at the Fall 2017 meeting.
LBMU-2016-1, Long-billed Murrelet – 8/15/2016, Point Wilson, Port Townsend, Jefferson County (YES = 0; No = 7; ABSTAIN = 0).
RLKI-2016-1, Red-legged Kittiwake – 12/27/2016, Madame Dorian Park, Walla Walla River Delta, Walla Walla County (YES = 0; No = 7; ABSTAIN = 0).
RHWO-2016-1, Red-headed Woodpecker – 10/31/2016, Lake Forest Park, King County (YES = 0; No = 7; ABSTAIN = 0).
YBSA-2016-3, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker – 10/5/2016, Two Rivers, Benton County (YES = 2; No = 4; ABSTAIN = 1).
TEWA-2016-2, Tennessee Warbler – 12/7/2016, Sekiu, Clallam County (YES = 0; No = 7; ABSTAIN = 0).
NAWA-2016-1, “Eastern” Nashville Warbler – 10/16/2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County (YES = 0; No = 7; ABSTAIN = 0).