Saturday, October 19, 2019, the Washington Bird Records Committee met at the Slater Museum for its annual meeting. Here’s a summary of our results.
- 36 reports were accepted as valid new records.
- 1 additional record was accepted as a continuing sighting of a record previously accepted at an earlier meeting.
- 30 reports were not accepted
- 2 decisions were tabled for further research
The WBRC accepted two species new to the state list: Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Crested Auklet.
This brings the official Washington State Checklist to 518 species, including 504 species fully accredited (supported by specimen, photograph, or recording) and 14 species which are sight-only records (supported only by written documentation).
One species was removed from the review list after meeting our review standard of approximately 20 records in the last 10 years:
- Murphy’s Petrel (18 records, 14 since 2010). Multiple birds in many of those sightings.
One subspecies was re-added to the review list, representing a recognition that sightings in Washington have remained infrequent enough to warrant continued collection of documentation:
- “Interior” Bushtit
The committee declined to review records of “Richardson’s” Cackling Goose. Although the presence of this subspecies has been established in the state, the amount of variability in the appearance of Cackling Goose subspecies makes evaluation of any individual report difficult.
Votes in parentheses (# accepted – # not accepted – # abstain)
[Notations: p=photo, v = video, a = audio, s = sketch]
EMGO-2005-1, Emperor Goose – 11 December 2005, Beach north of North Head Lighthouse, near Seaview, Pacific County. Tom & Connie Herzig [p], fide COASST (Charlie Wright), (7-0-0).
RTHU-2017-1, Ruby-throated Hummingbird – 24-25 October 2017, Ridgefield, Clark County. Bob Flores [w, p], (6-1-0). State First Record.
RNST-2019-1, Red-necked Stint – 25-27 August 2019, Griffiths-Priday State Park, Grays Harbor County. Will Brooks [w, p], Joshua Glant [w, p], Adrian Lee [w], (7-0-0). Note: Committee voted to treat as a single record.
LIST-2019-1, Little Stint – 31 August 2019, Neah Bay (The Wedge), Clallam County. Will Brooks [w, p], Adam Crutcher [w], Adrian Lee [w], Jason Vassallo [w, p], (7-0-0).
CRAU-2019-1, Crested Auklet – 30 June 2019, Discovery Park, Seattle, King County. Matt Dufort [w, p], John Leszczynski [w, p], Spencer Hildie [p, v], (7-0-0). State First Record.
SBGU-2018-2, Slaty-backed Gull – 14-24 Sep 2018, Puyallup 11th St. Bridge, Tacoma, Pierce County. Ed Pullen[p] Bruce LaBar [p] Michael Charest [p], (7-0-0). Note: The committee voted (7-0-0) to treat this as a separate individual from earlier Tacoma Slaty-backed Gulls.
SBGU-2018-3, Slaty-backed Gull – 8 October 2018, Haines Wharf, Edmonds, Snohomish County. Carol Riddell [w, p], (7-0-0).
ARLO-2018-2 Arctic Loon – 15 December 2018 – 27 January 2019, Neah Bay, Clallam County. Dec 2018: Ryan Merrill [p], Jason Vassallo [p], Brad Waggoner [p], Jan 2019: Kevin Metcalf [w, p] (7-0-0). Note: The committee voted (7-0-0) to combine the December – January records as likely a single persisting individual.
ASSP-2019-1, Ashy Storm-Petrel – 15 June 2019, Off-shore, Westport (46.994, -124.951), Grays Harbor County. G. Scott Mills [w, p], Bill Tweit [w], (7-0-0).
MUPE-2019-01, Murphy’s Petrel – 2 May 2019, off shore, Pacific, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, & Clallam County. Pat Bacchetti [w], David Richardson (w), Rob Fowler [p], (7-0-0). Note: Up to 38 individuals present during cruise up the coast, noted in each county, but exact numbers uncertain – treated as a single record.
MUPE-2019-12, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.48, -125.29, Pacific County. David McQuade [p], Paul Lehman [w], Matt Dufort [w], (7-0-0).
MUPE-2019-13, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.59, -125.29, Pacific County. Nicholas Hamill [p], Paul Lehman [w], Matt Dufort [w], (7-0-0).
MUPE-2019-14, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.73, -125.27, Grays Harbor County. Matt Dufort [w], (7-0-0).
MUPE-2019-15, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.773, -125.272, Grays Harbor County. Matt Dufort [w], (7-0-0).
MUPE-2019-17, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.973, -125.280, Grays Harbor County. Matt Dufort [w], (7-0-0).
HAPE-2019-1, Hawaiian Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.17, -125.25, Pacific County. Paul Lehman [w], Matt Dufort [w], Janet Stevens [p], David McQuade [p], Bryan Calk [p], (6-0-1).
SNEG-2018-1, Snowy Egret – 28 Sep 2018 – 26 March 2019, Lower River Road, Vancouver, Clark County. Jim Danzenbaker [w, p], Cindy McCormack [w, p], Terry Anderson [p], Matt Bartels [p, v] (7-0-0). Note: At least two individuals present, through much of the winter.
CACO-1805-2, California Condor – 20 November 1805, Long Beach Peninsula, Pacific County. Lewis & Clark, (7-0-0).
BGGN-2018-3, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Western subspecies)- 14 June – 5 July 2018, NW of Wahkiakus [45.869 x -121.049], Klickitat County. Mary McCallum [p], (ID:7-0-0, Subspecies: Western = 7). Note: First confirmed breeding record in state.
BGGN-2018-4, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 14-18 Sep 2018, Neah Bay, Clallam County. Casey McHugh [w, p], Jim Danzenbaker [w, p] (ID: 7-0-0, Subspecies: subspecies not determined = 7). Note: Referred to as BGGN-2018-3 in Spring report.
BGGN-2018-5, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Eastern subspecies)- 21-24 Sep 2018, Wenatchee Confluence Park, Wenatchee, Chelan County. David Poortinga [w, a, p], Tom Mansfield [p], (ID: 7-0-0, Subspecies: Eastern = 6, subspecies not determined = 1). Notes: First Eastern subspecies Blue-gray Gnatcatcher confirmed in Eastern WA. Referred to as BGGN-2018-4 in Spring report.
BGGN-2019-2, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Western subspecies) – 9 June – 31 August 2019, NW of Wahkiakus [45.869 x -121.049], Klickitat County. Samuel Holman [w, a], Rachel Hudson [w, p], Mary McCallum [w, p, v], (ID:7-0-0, Subspecies: Western = 7). Note: Second confirmed breeding record.
BGGN-2019-3, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Western subspecies) – 07 July – 01 August 2019, Fort Simcoe, Yakima County. Matt Bartels [w, a], James Cummins [w, p], Kerry Turley [w, p], Kevin Lucas [w, p], (ID:7-0-0, Subspecies: Western = 6, abstain = 1). Note: Second confirmed breeding location.
PUFI-2019-1, Eastern Purple Finch – 9-12 February 2019, Everson, Whatcom County. Shephen Chase [w, p], (7-0-0).
LARB-2019-1, Lark Bunting – 27 August 2019, Tatoosh Island, Clallam County. Tim Wootton [w, p], (6-1-0).
RFSP-2015-3, Red Fox Sparrow – 3 November 2015, Popoff Trail, Yakima, Yakima County. Kevin Lucas [w, p], (6-1-0).
RFSP-2015-4, Red Fox Sparrow – 10 November 2015, Woodland Bottoms, Cowlitz County. Carol Riddell [w, p], (6-1-0).
LCSP-2019-1, LeConte’s Sparrow – 19 May 2019, Diablo Campground, Whatcom County. Ryan Merrill [p], David Poortinga [p], Isaiah Nugent [p], (7-0-0).
SOSP-2019-1, Eastern Song Sparrow – 6-17 February 2019, Nisqually NWR, Thurston County. Shep Thorp[p], Jon Anderson[w], Mark Vernon [p] (7-0-0).
HOOR-2019-1, Hooded Oriole – 30 April 2019, Stillaguamish River w of Arlington, Snohomish County. David Poortinga [w, p], (7-0-0).
BAOR-2019-1, Baltimore Oriole – 13 January 2019, NE 87th St., Seattle, King County. Alison Wysong [w, p], (7-0-0).
OVEN-2019-1, Ovenbird – 30 June 2019, Tieton Rd., mp 4, Rimrock BBS, Yakima County. Bill Tweit [w], G Scott Mills [w], (6-0-1).
MAWA-2019-1, Magnolia Warbler – 8 September 2019, Lions Park/Ephrata Cemetery, Ephrata, Grant County. Matt Yawnwy [p], (7-0-0).
BLPW-1993-1, Blackpoll Warbler – 28 August 1993, WSU Arboretum, Pullman, Whitman County. Anthony Hewetson [w], (6-0-1).
INBU-2018-1, Indigo Bunting – 15-25 December 2018, Butler’s Motel, Neah Bay, Clallam County. Ryan Merrill [p], Jason Vassallo [p], Brad Waggoner [p], (6-1-0).
INBU-2019-1, Indigo Bunting – 28-30 May 2019, Kennewick, Benton County. Margie Egger [w, p], (7-0-0).
DICK-2018-1, Dickcissel — 1 June 2018, Pleasant Hill Road, Kelso, Cowlitz County, Beth Craig [w], Royce Craig [p], (7-0-0).
Slaty-backed Gull in Benton County: The committee agreed that the November – December 2018 record of a Slaty-backed Gull in Benton County (formerly treated as SBGU-2018-4) is best treated as a returning instance of SBGU-2016-1, the prior sighting of this species in the area the previous three winters. The two records are merged and treated as SBGU-2016-1.
Dates and observation info for November – December 2018 observations:
Slaty-backed Gull – 16 November – 8 December 2018, Columbia Park Marina, Richland, Benton County, Bill & Nancy LaFramboise [w, p], Michael Woodruff [w, p], (7-0-0).
BARG-1985-1, Barnacle Goose – 6 February 1985, Mullen Rd., e of Olympia, Thurston County, (1-6-0).
BESW-2019-1, Bewick’s Tundra Swan – 15 March 2019, Worth Lake, Sunnyside Wildlife Area, Franklin County, (0-7-0).
YBCU-1988-1, Yellow-billed Cuckoo – 18 June 1988, Eaton Creek, Evergreen Valley, Thurston County, (1-6-0).
GIWR-2016-1, Giant Wood-Rail – 25-28 February 2016, Washougal, Clark County, unknown photographer, fide Wilson Cady [p], Skip Russell [p], (ID: 7-0-0; Origin: not wild = 7).
LIST-2019-2, Little Stint – 5 September 2019, Boom Road beach, Neah Bay, Clallam County, (0-5-2).
TBMU-2019-1, Thick-billed Murre – 3 January 2019, Gardiner Beach, Jefferson County, (0-7-0).
TBMU-2019-2, Thick-billed Murre – 4 May 2019, Tsoo-Yess Beach, Neah Bay, Clallam County, (0-7-0).
SBGU-2019-1, Slaty-backed Gull – 29 August 2019, North Beach, Orcas Island, San Juan County, (0-7-0).
ARLO-2000-2, Arctic Loon – 4 November – 10 December 2000, Point No Point, Kitsap County, (0-7-0).
ARLO-2018-1, Arctic Loon – 1 December 2018, Neah Bay, Clallam County, (1-6-0).
ARLO-2019-2, Arctic Loon – 2 April 2019, Water Street, Edmonds, Snohomish County, (1-6-0).
ARLO-2019-3, Arctic Loon – 12 April 2019, Westport, Grays Harbor County, (0-7-0).
MUPE-2019-16, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 46.780, -125.273, Grays Harbor County, (0-7-0).
MUPE-2019-18, Murphy’s Petrel – 11 May 2019, 47.050, -125.284, Grays Harbor County, (3-4-0).
LEBI-2019-1, Least Bittern – 1 May 2019, Bellingham, Whatcom County, (0-7-0).
CACO-2019-1, California Condor – 9 July 2019, “Refinery” near Ferndale, Whatcom County, (0-6-1).
STSE-2019-1, Steller’s Sea Eagle – 5 February 2019, Ferndale, Whatcom County, (0-5-2).
EASO-2019-1, Eastern Screech-Owl – 26 August 2019, GPNF Coal Creek east, Lewis County, (0-7-0).
BGGN-2019-1, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 19 May 2019, Discovery Park, Seattle, King County, (3-4-0).
BRTH-2017-1, Brown Thrasher – 17 June 2017, Stonecress Ln, Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County, (0-7-0).
PHAI-2019-1, Phainopepla – 8 July 2019, Emerson & Gilman, Seattle, King County, (2-4-1).
EUGO-2019-1, European Goldfinch – 7 September 2019, Union Bay Natural Area/Montlake Fill, Seattle, King County, Mieke Lee [w, p], (ID: 7-0-0; Origin: not wild = 7).
TBFS-2005-1, Thick-billed Fox Sparrow – 26 February 2005, Ebey Island, Everett, Snohomish County, (3-4-0).
SOSP-2018-2, Eastern Song Sparrow – 24 November 2018, 134th St. Puyallup, Pierce County, (0-7-0).
COGR-2019-1, Common Grackle – 21 June 2019, Discovery Park, Seattle, King County, (0-7-0).
KEWA-2019-1, Kentucky Warbler – 25 June 2019, Pearrygin Lake SP, Okanogan County, (2-4-1).
CMWA-2019-3, Cape May Warbler – 5 September 2019, Bassett Park, Washtucna, Adams County, (0-7-0).
BLPW-2019-1, Blackpoll Warbler – 25 August 2019, Butler Flats, Skagit County, (1-4-2).
BTBW-2019-1, Black-throated Blue Warbler – 2 June 2019, Holman Rd., Spokane Valley, Spokane County, (1-5-1).
PIWA-2019-1, Pine Warbler – 30 June 2019, Whitehead Road, Roslyn, Kittitas County, (0-7-0).
ASSP-2019-2, Ashy Storm-Petrel – 13 July 2019, Offshore, over Grays Canyon, Grays Harbor County, Jack Rogers [w, p], (Tabled for further consultation and analysis).
TBFS-2019-1, Thick-billed Fox Sparrow – 24 July 2019, Trout Lake Natural Area Preserve, Trout Lake, Klickitat County, Samuel Holman [w], (Tabled)