A stunningly beautiful Snowy Owl took up residence on Seattle’s Queen Anne Hill as of November 14. Since then hundreds of delighted birders, photographers and local residents, eager to see this charismatic bird from the far north, have flocked to see it. If you would like to learn more about this iconic species, I hope you will attend WOS’ January 4 Monthly Meeting when owl-expert and award-winning photographer and author Paul Bannick will present images and fascinating information about Snowies from his recently-published book: Snowy Owl: A Visual Natural History.
This presentation will be online only. For information on how to view it, see the Monthly Meetings page on this website at: https://wos.org/monthly-meetings/ The GoToMeeting access code will be published a week or so before the meeting.
Note: Member Photo Night, originally scheduled for Jan. 4, 2021, attracted very few volunteers. The next Member Photo Night will be on June 7, 2021.