A large selection of trips is being offered: a total of fifty daytime trips to seventeen different locations and seven night trips to four locations. Members have requested an expanded half-day trip selection, so there are at least two half-day trips to six half-day locations. Members have also requested that half-day trips start later, so the half-day trips will leave 30 minutes (6:00 AM) later than full-day trips (5:30 AM) to give some attendees the ability to get some extra rest. Special field trip opportunities include a Monday Chase trip (tradition started with the Omak Conference in 2013), and a full day Twitch and Taste (Birds and Wine) trip on Friday (which leaves at 6:00 AM).
In order to optimize the birding experience for participants, carpooling will be used for all field trips. As with previous conferences, field trips are limited to 12 individuals in three autos for daylight trips and six in two autos for owling adventures—so register early! Also, please consider carpooling from your home to the conference. Target species listed for each trip are representative species or species that are unusual enough to warrant broad interest. For more information on specific locations mentioned in the field trip descriptions, please refer to pages 498 to 521 in the second edition of A Birder’s Guide to Washington. Many locations are eBird hotspots. Participants are encouraged to explore on eBird for a comprehensive potential species list. Listed under “what to expect” are tips for the day: i.e. what equipment will be helpful and if the trip is primarily a driving or hiking trip. Use these tips to come prepared when signing up for a certain trip. Two unique categories are listed for each trip whether the trip is eBird Enabled and if playback will be used. On trips marked as eBird Enabled, the leader will record species at each location visited and will share the lists with those interested. Keep in mind that those trips that are not e-Bird enabled may have a participant who will be e-birding each location. WOS has received comments regarding playback. Therefore, leaders were asked to indicate: “no playback used,” “playback used” or the more common “playback may be used.” This final option means that the leader may use playback if the situation is deemed appropriate for a target species.
All field trips will depart from the southwest corner of the Courtyard Marriott in Walla Walla, WA. Trips and trip leaders may be subject to change. Many field trips will require that vehicles have a Discover Pass or other passes. If you have them, please bring them. Also, if you have an FRS radio, please bring it/them. You will need radios with sub-channels, as 11/22 is the birder channel. Note: stated mileage amounts are approximate; exact mileage will vary depending on the exact route taken. The mileages given are round trip to and from the Courtyard Marriott.
Full-day trips leave from the Courtyard Marriott at 550 W. Rose Street in Walla Walla. at 5:30 AM (sunrise: ~5:00 AM PDT) and are expected to return by 4:00 PM. Half-day trips leave at 6:00 AM and are expected to return by noon. Owling trips leave from the same location in the evening at 8:30 PM (sundown: ~9:00 PM PDT) and return several hours later (check specific trip for approximate return time). Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your field trip departure time.
Your trip leader will have a sign with your field trip name. Make sure that you check in with the trip leader when you arrive at the field trip departure area.
It is the responsibility of the participants to reimburse their driver. Remind the driver to set the odometer before departure. WOS recommends that drivers be reimbursed by a rate of 0.25 per mile divided by the number of passengers in the car (not including the driver). For example if a trip is 100 miles in length and three passengers are in the car, each person would contribute $8.33 for mileage reimbursement to the driver.
From Tri-Cities to Walla Walla
Meet at Badger Mountain: Bateman Island, Yakima River Delta, Columbia Park, Pasco Humane Society ponds, Sacajawea Park, to Walla Walla.
Target Species: Black-throated Sparrow, Am. White Pelican, Great Egret, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Forster’s Tern, Bullock’s Oriole, Eastern Kingbird, Lazuli Bunting, Vagrants!
Counties visited: Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla
Time and distance: 75 miles and 2 miles walking in parks, short steep trail at Badger Mt.
Thursday – Russ Koppendrayer– no E – playback may be used
From Moses Lake to Walla Walla
Meet at Moses Lake State Park, North Potholes Reserve, Potholes Rookery, Potholes Reservoir, Potholes State Park, Para Ponds, Othello, Scooteney County Park, Walla Walla via Pasco to US 12
Target Species: Cinnamon/Blue-winged Teal, Redhead, Clark’s Grebe, Am. White Pelican, Great Egret, Snowy Egret (rare), Black-crowned Night-Heron, Black Tern, Forster’s Tern, American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Wilson’s Phalarope, Bushtit (rare), Loggerhead Shrike, Lark Sparrow, Black-throated Sparrow (rare), Vagrants!
Counties visited: Grant, Adams, Franklin, Walla Walla
Time and distance: 130 miles plus 2 miles walking in parks
Thursday – Mike Clarke– E – playback may be used
From White Pass to Walla Walla
Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Elbe restrooms as you first come into town on Hwy. 7. White Pass to Oak Creek and Naches area.
Target Species: American Dipper, woodpeckers, various returning neo-tropical passerines
Counties visited: Pierce, Lewis and Yakima
Time and Distance: Approximately 260 miles from Elbe and 4.5 hours of driving. Minimal hiking on roads and trails.
Thursday – Bruce LaBar– E – playback may be used
From Othello to Walla Walla
Othello: meet at McDonald’s on Main, Para Ponds, Hatton Rest Area, Washtucna, Hooper, La Crosse, Hay, Little Goose Dam, Little Goose Landing, Riviera Rd, Starbuck, Lewis & Clark Trail State Park, Walla Walla
Target Species: Vagrants!
Counties visited: Adams, Whitman, Columbia, Walla Walla
Time and distance: 150 miles
Thursday – Shep Thorp – E – playback used
From Lyle to Walla Walla
Meet at west side of bridge on SR 14, Balch Lake, Cemetery, Maryhill Museum, Maryhill State Park, Rock Creek, Sundale, Roosevelt Park, Crow Butte Park, cross river at Umatilla to OR – to Walla Walla via SR 730 to US 12. (with stop along cliffs in Walla Walla County)
Target Species: Acorn Woodpecker, Lesser Goldfinch. Rock & Canyon Wren, White-throated Swift, Chukar, Vagrants!
Counties visited: Klickitat, Benton, Walla Walla
Time and distance: 140 miles
Thursday – Randy Hill– no E – playback may be used
#1 Mill Creek: Rook’s Park, Mill Creek, Blue Creek, Scenic Loop, Mormon Grade if passable
Target Species: Wild Turkey, Veery, Gray Catbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Nashville & MacGillivray’s Warbler, American Dipper
Counties: Walla Walla
Time and Distance: 15 miles, 1 – 2 miles walking on roads, 6 hours
Friday – Paul and Judy Treman – no E – no playback used
Saturday – Paul and Judy Treman– no E – no playback used
Sunday – Jamie Acker – E – playback used
#2 Walla Walla Walking Tour: a short drive to key sites in and very near town, such as Bennington Lake, Rook’s Park, and Mill Creek
Target Species: Veery, Bullock’s Oriole, Yellow-breasted Chat, Lazuli Bunting, Gray Catbird, Eastern Kingbird, Calliope & Black-chinned Hummingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Vagrants!
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 10 miles driving, 4 miles walking trails, 6 hours
Friday – Chris Howard /Ginger Shoemake– E – no playback used
Saturday – Chris Howard /Ginger Shoemake– E – no playback used
Sunday – Chris Howard /Ginger Shoemake– E – no playback used
#3 Walla Walla Hotspots Walking Tour: Fort Walla Walla Park, Natural Area, Planet Walk, Whitman Mission, Mill Creek
Target Species: Swainson’s Hawk, Yellow Breasted Chat, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Bullock’s Oriole, Vagrants! (Lark Bunting, Brown Thrasher, Northern Parula all seen here)
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 12 miles driving, 4 miles walking trails, 6 hours
Friday – MerryLynn Denny– no E – playback may be used
Saturday – George Jameson– no E – playback may be used
Sunday – Melissa Cummins– no E – playback may be used
#4 McNary NWR Wallula Unit: Touchet, Walla Walla River delta, Madam Dorion Park, Millet Pond, Wallula Gap
Target Species: Wood Duck, Cinnamon/Blue-winged Teal, American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Long-billed Curlew, Eastern Kingbird, Say’s Phoebe, Lark Sparrow, White-throated Swift, Canyon & Rock Wren, Vagrants!
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 70 miles + 1 mile walking on dirt road, 6 hours
Friday – Randy Hill– no E – playback may be used
Saturday – Chris Lindsey– E – playback may be used
Sunday – Tim Parker– no E – no playback used
#5 Tri-Cities Walking Tour: hike and bird along the Yakima and Columbia Rivers, visiting Bateman Island and the Yakima River mouth. Dependent on activities along the river, trip may visit Johnson Park.
Target Species: Am. White Pelican, Great Egret, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Forster’s Tern, shorebirds, Great Horned Owl, Eastern & Western Kingbird, all 6 swallow species, Gray Catbird, Warbling & Cassin’s Vireos, Wilson’s & Townsend’s Warblers, and Bullock’s Oriole. Vagrants.
Counties visited: Benton
Time and distance and other: 120 miles, 4 miles walking, 6 hours
Friday – Lisa Hill – E – playback may be used
Saturday – Jason Fiddora – E, no playback used
Sunday – Lisa Hill – E – playback may be used
#6 Hollebeke HMU: SR 125, Pettyjohn Rd, Donnelly Rd, Hollebeke HMU, Fish Hook Park
Target Species: Grasshopper, Vesper, Lark Sparrows, Gray Partridge, Long-eared Owl, Swainson’s Hawk, Eastern Kingbird, Bullock’s Oriole, Yellow-breasted Chat.
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 85 miles, 2 miles walking uneven ground, 6 hours
Friday – Ann Nightingale E – playback may be used
Saturday – Mike Denny– no E – playback may be used
Sunday – Stefan Schlick– no E – no playback used
#7 S. Fork Coppei Creek: S. Fork Coppei Creek, Lewis Peak
Target Species: Yellow-breasted Chat, Veery, Western, Willow, Hammond’s & Dusky Flycatchers, Gray Catbird, Lazuli Bunting, Black-chinned & Calliope Hummingbird, Western Bluebird, Red-naped Sapsucker, Green-tailed Towhee.
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 75 miles + 2 miles walking on gravel road, 10.5 hours
Friday – Bruce LaBar– E – playback may be used
Saturday – Brian Bell– no E – playback may be used
Sunday – Bob Flores– E – no playback used
#8 N. Fork Coppei Creek: N. Fork Coppei Creek, Dent Rd, Lewis Peak rd.
Target Species: Green-tailed Towhee, Veery, Black-chinned & Calliope Hummingbird, Yellow-breasted Chat, Lazuli Bunting, Western, Hammonds and Dusky Flycatchers, Pygmy-Owl, Red-naped Sapsucker, Ruffed Grouse.
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 75 miles, 3 miles walking on gravel roads, 10.5 hours
Friday – Fanter Lane– E – playback used
Saturday – Dan Waggoner-E – playback may be used
Sunday – George Jameson– no E – playback may be used
#9 Jasper Mountain: McCown rd, Jasper Mountain, Payne Hollow, Lewis & Clark Trail State Park
Target Species: Least Flycatcher, Veery, Western, Hammond’s and Dusky Flycatchers, Western & Mountain Bluebird, Northern Goshawk, Great Gray Owl, Yellow-breasted Chat, Lazuli Bunting, Red-naped Sapsucker, N. Pygmy-Owl
Counties visited: Walla Walla, Columbia
Time and distance: 80 miles, 10.5 hours
Friday – Tim O’Brien– E – playback may be used
Saturday – Kevin Black – no E – playback used
Sunday – Bruce LaBar– E – playback may be used
#10 Biscuit Ridge: Dixie, Biscuit Ridge, Tracy rd, Scott Canyon, Blacksnake Ridge,
Target Species: Green-tailed Towhee, Black-chinned & Calliope Hummingbird, Yellow-breasted Chat, Veery, Lazuli Bunting, Western, Hammonds and Dusky Flycatchers, Nashville & MacGillivray’s Warblers, Red-naped & Williamson’s Sapsucker, Dusky & Ruffed Grouse, Great Gray Owl
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 62 miles, 3 miles walking on dirt roads, 10.5 hours
Friday – Dan Waggoner– E – playback may be used
Saturday – Scott Downes– E – playback may be used
Sunday – Mike and MerryLynn Denny– no E – playback may be used
#11 Bluewood: Lewis and Clark Trail State Park, then up into the Blues from Dayton along the Touchet River to Bluewood ski area and up if road open.
Target Species: Dusky Grouse, Northern Goshawk, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Three-toed & Black-backed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Pine Grosbeak, Hammond’s Flycatcher
Counties visited: Columbia
Time and distance: 110 miles, 2 miles walking dirt road, 10.5 hours
Friday – Mike Denny– no E – playback may be used
Saturday – Jonathan Isacoff– E – playback may be used
Sunday – Tim O’Brien– E – playback may be used
#12 Oregon Butte: Via Dayton, Mustard Hollow Road, Eckler Mountain Road, Skyline Drive to FSR46 and up to Edmiston and Godman Springs, Teepee Creek trail head; mountain hiking tour to Oregon Butte
Target Species: Dusky Grouse, Northern Goshawk, Williamson’s & Red-naped Sapsucker, Black-backed & Three-toed Woodpecker, Hammond’s Flycatcher, Western & Mountain Bluebirds
Counties visited: Columbia
Time and distance: 140 miles, * plus 5 miles hiking, 10.5 hours
Friday – Cindy McCormack – E – no playback used
Saturday – Fanter Lane– E – playback used
Sunday – Brian Bell– no E – playback may be used
#13 Burbank Heights HMU: Hatch Grade, McNary NWR, Burbank Heights HMU, Tyson blood ponds, return via Nine-mile Canyon, Touchet/Riggs rd.
Target Species: A variety of ducks, Gray Partridge, shorebirds (Wilson’s Phalarope, American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Long-billed Curlew), terns, Ferruginous Hawk, Say’s Phoebe, Bullock’s Oriole, and Lark and Grasshopper Sparrows.
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 80 miles + 2 miles walking, 10.5 hours
Friday – unassigned
Saturday – Shep Thorp– E – playback used
Sunday – Jim Danzenbaker – no E – no playback used
#14 Lyons Ferry/Washtucna: Lyons Ferry, Palouse Falls, Washtucna, Hooper, Kahlotus, Diablo Canyon, and Windust Park
Target Species: Lazuli Bunting, White-throated Swift, Bullock’s Oriole, Lesser Goldfinch, Vagrants
Counties visited: Columbia, Franklin
Time and distance: 145 miles, 10.5 hours
Friday – Kevin Black – no E – playback used
Saturday – Bob Flores – E – no playback used
Sunday – Scott Downes – E – playback may be used
#15 Tucannon River: via Dayton to the Tucannon River and up to Panjab and Meadow Creeks.
Target Species: Wild Turkey, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Calliope Hummingbird,
Counties visited: Columbia
Time and distance: 160 miles, 10.5 hours
Friday – Russ Koppendrayer– no E – playback may be used
Saturday – Stefan Schlick– no E – no playback used
Sunday – Mike Clarke– E – playback may be used
#16 Two Rivers HMU: Two Rivers HMU, Peninsula HMU, Casey Pond, Dodd road, 9 Mile Canyon, Byrnes rd.
Target Species: Am. White Pelican, Forster’s Tern, Black Tern, Eastern Kingbird, Bullock’s Oriole, American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Barn Owl, Grasshopper Sparrow, Say’s Phoebe, Ferruginous Hawk, Lark Sparrow, Vagrants!
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 82 miles, 2 miles walking, 10.5 hours
Friday – Doug Schurman– no E – playback may be used
Saturday – MerryLynn Denny– no E – playback may be used
Sunday – Ed Swan– E – no playback used
#17 Rattlesnake Mountain: Areas to be visited: Rattlesnake Mtn. Thornton Unit, Old Inland Empire Hwy.
Target Species: Brewer’s, Sagebrush, Vesper & Lark Sparrows, Sage Thrasher, Loggerhead Shrike, Rock Wren, Lazuli Bunting, Barn & Burrowing Owls, Cliff nesting falcons, Rock Wren, Western Screech, Barn & Burrowing Owls, Long-billed Curlew, Swainson’s Hawk.
Counties visited: Benton
Time and distance: 200 miles (round trip from Walla Walla) + 1 mile walking. Surfaces: Gravel road, dry stream of basalt rock & sagebrush, 10.5 hours
Rattlesnakes are probable throughout this trip. A walking pole/stick is recommended. Bring drink and food for the day. Sunscreen, insect repellent, and a hat. Discover Pass’ required per each vehicle. Extra scopes will be welcome.
Friday – Laurie Ness– E – no playback used
Sunday – Laurie Ness– E – no playback used
This laid-back trip combines birding and wine tasting in the Walla Walla area. The trip will explore wineries and bird the grounds around the wineries. It’s perfect for those wanting a relaxed full day trip. The wineries visited and the birding will be at the discretion of the leader. Many of the wineries are located very close to Walla Walla, which has an excellent array of breeding birds. Cost will be between $10 – $25 based on wine tasting fees.
Target birds will vary dependent on wineries visited. Possibilities include American White Pelican, Osprey, Swainson’s Hawk, Black-chinned Hummingbird, House Wren, Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, Bullock’s Oriole, and anything you want after ingesting enough wine!
What to expect: A full-day trip. Some walking around the wineries will be in order. Travel will be on paved or good gravel roads. Come prepared with drink and food. Sunscreen and hat recommended. A scope may be helpful, but not required. Playback will not be used on this trip.
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: to be determined based on Wineries to be visited, 10 hours
Friday – Penny Rose– E – no playback used
Owling in and around Walla Walla – Whitman College, Bennington Lake, Dry Creek
Target Species: Barn, Great-horned, Western Screech, Long-eared Owls
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 2 hours and 20 miles
Thursday – Ann Nightingale – E – playback used
Friday – Mike Denny – no E – playback may be used
Owling Lewis and Clark Trail State Park and South Fork Coppei Creek
Target Species: Barn, Great-horned, Western Screech-, Northern Pygmy-, Northern Saw-whet, Long-eared Owls
Counties visited: Walla Walla, Columbia
Time and distance: 3 hours, 50 miles
Friday – Tim O’Brien– E – playback may be used
Sunday – Shep Thorp– E – playback used
Owling near Waitsburg to Dry Creek, Mud Creek, and Hogeye
Target Species: Great-horned, Western Screech-, Northern Pygmy-, Northern Saw-whet, Barn Owls
Counties visited: Walla Walla, Columbia
Time and distance: 3 hours, 70 miles
Friday – Ann Nightingale and Jim Danzenbaker – E – playback used
Saturday – unassigned
Owling Seaman Road, Lewis Peak, Coppei Creek: Owling up along Seaman Road up to Lewis Peak and down into Coppei Creek
Target Species: Northern Pygmy-, Northern Saw-whet, Western Screech-, Great-horned Owls
Counties visited: Walla Walla
Time and distance: 3 hours, 40 miles
Saturday – Jamie Acker – E – playback used
CHASE TRIP: This trip is designed to be leader’s choice and will chase rare or unusual birds found during the conference weekend. If no rarities have been found, the leader will suggest a route and may get input from the group on a destination. Any of the destinations covered by other conference field trips are potential destinations.
What to expect: A mostly full-day trip. We will be primarily driving from site to site with some walking at the specific sites, maybe a mile combined. As destination is not yet known, roads taken are not known. Likely will be on paved or good gravel roads. Come prepared with drink and food. Sunscreen, insect repellent and hat recommended. Depending on trip location, weather could vary from hot to layers needed. A Discover Pass may be required for each vehicle. Scope is helpful. Playback will not be used on this trip. Recommend checking with leader the day before the trip to anticipate potential route.
Monday: Penny Rose– E – no playback used
To Othello: Northbound to Lyons Ferry, Palouse Falls, Washtucna, and ending in Othello. Possible additional locations include Waitsburg, Tucannon River and Lewis and Clark State Park. There will be some walking at Lyon’s Ferry and at Washtucna on mostly flat ground. Touch bases with the leader if there are certain birds you would like to see for possible modifications to the proposed itinerary.
Target Species: Late spring migrants, cliff, riparian, steppe and shrub breeders including Peregrine and Prairie Falcon, White-throated Swift, Canyon and Rock Wren, Barn and Burrowing Owl, Long-billed Curlew, Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawk, (possibly Tri-colored Blackbird, Yellow-breasted Chat, various sparrows) and waterbirds.
Counties visited: Walla Walla, Columbia, Franklin, Adams, and Whitman
Time and distance: 9-12 hours, about 160 miles
Discover Pass desirable
Monday – Randy Hill– no E but will be recording birds by county – playback may be used
To Yakima (Seattle): Walla Walla River Delta, Tyson blood ponds, McNary NWR, Bateman Island, Yakima River delta, Grandview sewage ponds, Toppenish NWR
Target Species: Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Am. White Pelican, Great Egret, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Forster’s Tern, shorebirds, Great Horned Owl, Eastern & Western Kingbird, all 6 swallow species, Gray Catbird, Warbling & Cassin’s Vireos, Wilson’s & Townsend’s Warblers, Bullock’s Oriole, and Lark Sparrow. Vagrants.
Counties visited: Walla Walla, Benton, Yakima
Time and distance: All day. About 140 miles (Walla Walla to Yakima)
Monday – Shep Thorp – E – playback used
To Spokane: Planned route via Hwy 12 to the LC Valley, Wawawai Canyon, and Palouse landmarks such as Rose Creek, Kamiak Butte, and Steptoe Butte.
Target Species: Ferruginous Hawk, Barn Owl, Chukar, Gray Partridge, Say’s Phoebe, Eastern and Western Kingbird, all three nuthatches, Gray Catbird, wrens (Canyon, Rock, Bewick’s, House, Pacific, Marsh), Red-eyed Vireo, Black-headed
Grosbeak, Cassin’s Finch, Western Tanager, Yellow-breasted Chat, Black-throated Sparrow.
Counties visited: Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, Asotin, Whitman, Spokane Counties
Time and distance: 200 miles – all day
Monday – Cindy McCormack – E – no playback used
The workshop is being presented by Ann Nightingale, an owl expert in all respects, who is coming to Walla Walla from Victoria BC where she has banded owls at Rocky Point Bird Observatory (southern tip of Vancouver Island) for many years. Ann has also been a key player in a multi-year owl-banding project at a tree farm in Boardman, Oregon.
Here’s a taste of what her workshop will cover:
With their front-facing eyes and wise appearance, owls are favorites of birders and non-birders alike. This workshop will cover identification by sight and sound of owls found in Washington (using photos, audio and museum specimens), and a discussion of the features and behavior that make these birds stand out from the crowd We’ll also cover how to find owls, and what you can do to attract some kinds of owls to your own backyard or neighborhood park.