The WBRC normally meets annually in October, but often also circulates an ‘interim’ packet half way between meetings. This allows the committee to process a number of reports where it is relatively easy to reach consensus without discussion. Because the committee does not meet in person to discuss these reports, a greater level of voting consensus is required to ‘accept’ or ‘not accept’ a report. Many reports will be carried over until the October meeting for final deliberations.
39 received seven yes votes, and are thus passed w/o need for further discussion.
10 received seven yes votes, but other issues remained outstanding and final outcomes will be deferred for further discussion in the fall (see notes, below).
5 received four or more ‘no’ votes, and are thus not accepted.
13 reports were deferred for more consideration at the fall meeting.
1 new species is added to the state list: Little Bunting
This brings the official Washington State Checklist to 512 species.
BESW-2015-2, “Bewick’s” Tundra Swan – 27 Nov 2015, Dodge Valley, Skagit County, Ryan Merrill [w,p], Evan Houston[w,p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BESW-2016-1, “Bewick’s” Tundra Swan – 14 Feb 2016, W. Badger & Jackman Rd., Lynden, Whatcom County, Philip Calise [w,p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
KIEI-2015-1, King Eider – 4-29 Nov 2015, Tacoma, Pierce County, Brian Bell [w,p], Grace and Ollie Oliver [p], Gregg Thompson [p], Carol Riddell [p], Michael Charest [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Doug Schurman [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
KIEI-2016-1, King Eider – 2-3 Jan 2016, Anacortes, Skagit County, Keith & Jan Wiggers[w,p], Ryan Merrill [p]; James Walker [p], Doug Schurman [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MOPE-2015-1, Mottled Petrel – 2 Dec 2015, 46.03019, -125.24156, 94km off Cape Disappointment, Pacific County, Ryan Merrill [w, p], Lauren Harter [w], David Vander Pluym [w] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MOPE-2015-2, Mottled Petrel – 2 Dec 2015, 46.13790, -125.24181, 91km off Cape Disappointment, Pacific County, Ryan Merrill [w], Lauren Harter [w], David Vander Pluym [w] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MOPE-2015-3, Mottled Petrel – 2 Dec 2015, 46.55911, -125.25813, 91km off Leadbetter Point, Pacific County, Brad Waggoner [w], [w/ Ryan Merrill [w]] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MOPE-2015-4, Mottled Petrel – 2 Dec 2015, 46.81075, -125.26080, 84km off Point Brown, Grays Harbor County, Ryan Merrill [w, p], Lauren Harter [w], , David Vander Pluym [w, p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MOPE-2015-5, Mottled Petrel – 2 Dec 2015, 46.85224, -125.26172, 83km off Point Brown, Grays Harbor County, Ryan Merrill [w], Lauren Harter [w], David Vander Pluym [w] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MOPE-2015-6, Mottled Petrel – 2 Dec 2015, 46.99226, -125.26907, 84km off Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor County, Lauren Harter [w], David Vander Pluym [w], [w/ Ryan Merrill [w]] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
SNEG-2015-1, Snowy Egret – 2 Oct – 8 Dec 2015, Ridgefield NWR, Clark County, Randy Hill [w, p], Kevin Black [w, p], Bob Flores [w] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
RLKI-2015-2, Red-legged Kittiwake – 18 Nov 2015, Snoqualmie Pass, King County, Ron Hausinger [w, p], fide Chris Anderson (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
ICGU-2015-2, Iceland Gull – 13 Dec 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Charlie Wright [w,p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
SBGU-2016-1, Slaty-backed Gull – 8 Jan – 27 Feb 2016, Lower Monumental Dam, and later Tri-cities, Walla Walla,Franklin, Benton County, Christopher Lindsay [w, p]; Jason Fidorra [w,p], Mike Clarke [p], Jane Abel [p], Tom Mansfield [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0). First record in eastern Washington.
YBSA-2015-1, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker – 26 Dec 2015, Bellevue Botanical Gardens, King County, Andrew McCormick [w, p], Carol Ray [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
YBSA-2016-1, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker – 2-3 Jan 2016, Kennewick, Benton County, James Cleaver w, p, v, Laurie Ness [w] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BGGN-2015-5, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (no subspecies) – 22 Nov 2015, Kent, King County, Scott Ramos [p, v] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
RFBL-2015-2, Red-flanked Bluetail – 15 Dec 2015, Lopez Island, San Juan County, Amanda Wedow [w,p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BRTH-2015-1, Brown Thrasher – 21 Nov 2015, Leavenworth, Chelan County, Connie McCauley [w, p] fide Heather Murphy (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BRTH-2015-2, Brown Thrasher – 20 May 2015, Deming, Whatcom County, Phil Weggener [p], Casey McHugh [w, p], Fanter Lane [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BTBW-2012-2, Black-throated Blue Warbler – 26 Oct – 18 Nov 2012, Surfside, Ocean Park, Pacific County, Russ Ashley & Janet Stenzel [p] fide Suzy Whittey (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BTBW-2015-2, Black-throated Blue Warbler – 6-10 Nov 2015, Gog-le-hi-te, Tacoma, Pierce County, Mike Charest [w, p], Ryan Merrill [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
TEWA-2015-1, Tennessee Warbler – 14 Sep 2015, Colbert, Spokane County, Jeanne Dammarell [w, p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
TEWA-2015-2, Tennessee Warbler (missing most of tail) – 21 Sep 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Charlie Wright (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
TEWA-2015-3, Tennessee Warbler (full tail) – 21 Sep 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Charlie Wright [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
TEWA-2015-4, Tennessee Warbler – 28 Sep 2015, Bahokus Mountain, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Jim Danzenbaker [w] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
TEWA-2015-5, Tennessee Warbler – 3-21 Nov 2015, Dawnsridge Rd., between Seiku & Shipwreck, Clallam County, Blair Bernson [w,p], Brad Waggoner [w,p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
LUWA-2015-1, Lucy’s Warbler – 16 Sep 2015, Neah Bay, Clalalm County, Ryan Merrill [w,p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0). First photographed record for state.
HOWA-2015-1, Hooded Warbler – 10 Nov 2015 – 25 Feb 2016, Neah Bay, Clallam County, George Gerdts [w], Jon Houghon [w], Blair Bernson [p], Matt Bartels [w], Ryan Merrill [w, p], Doug Schurman [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
MAWA-2015-1, Magnolia Warbler – 23 Oct 2015, Raymond, Pacific County, Brad Waggoner [w, p], Steve Mlodinow [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
YTWA-2015-2, Yellow-throated Warbler – 13-26 Dec 2015, Longview, Cowlitz County, Margaret & John Green [w], Russ Koppendrayer [w], Randy Hill [w,p], Tom Mansfield [p]; Grace & Ollie Oliver [p]; Carol Riddell [p]; [Doug Schurman [p**]] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
PRAW-2015-1, Prairie Warbler – 17 Oct 2015, Rialto Beach, Clallam County, Robert Brezak (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0). First photographed record for state.
LIBU-2015-1, Little Bunting – 9-13 Oct 2015, Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor County, Brad Waggoner [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Matt Bartels [w], Chuck Welsh [w, p], Tom Mansfield [p], Dan Reiff [p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0). FIRST STATE RECORD.
SUTA-2015-1, Summer Tanager – 1 Nov 2015, Woodland Bottoms, Cowlitz County, Bill Bradford & Lora Minty [w, p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
SUTA-2015-2, Summer Tanager – 4 Nov 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Brad Waggoner [p], [Barbara Carlson, Adrianne Akmajian] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
COGR-2015-3, Common Grackle – 21-23 Dec 2015, Acme, Whatcom County, Ryan Merrill [w, p], Noah Sanday [w, p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
OROR-2015-2, Orchard Oriole – 25 Sep 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Ryan Merrill [w, p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
BRAM-2015-2, Brambling – 27 Oct 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Michael Hobbs [w,s] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
HORE-2016-1, Hoary Redpoll – 2-18 Jan 2016, Corkindale Creek, Skagit County, Ryan Merrill [w, p] (Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
ACCEPTED RECORDS W/ CAVEATS: For the following records, identification was confirmed by the votes, but additional issues remain before settling. After resolving the outstanding issues in the fall, some of these reports might yet be merged together.
BRBO-2015-3, Brown Booby – 13-14 Sep 2015, off-shore waters from Edmonds, Point-No-Point, Kitsap, Snohomish, Island County, Josh Adams [w], Blair Bernson [w], Jeff Bouton [w] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Brown Booby sightings, including the ones below and BRBO-2015-1, at the Fall 2016 meeting.
BRBO-2015-4, Brown Booby – 15 Sep 2015, 46.5717x-125.2451, Pacific County, Brian Sullivan [w,p], Paul Fenwick [w] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Brown Booby sightings, including the ones below and BRBO-2015-1, at the Fall 2016 meeting.
BRBO-2015-5, Brown Booby – 12-26 Oct 2015, Dungeness Bay from 3 Crabs beach, Clallam County, Bob Boekelheide [w], Dow Lambert [p], Doug Schurman [p], Ryan Merrill [p] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Brown Booby sightings, including the ones below and BRBO-2015-1, at the Fall 2016 meeting.
BRBO-2015-6, Brown Booby – 16 Oct 2015, Discovery Park, Seattle, King County, Evan Houston [w], Steve Giles [w] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Brown Booby sightings, including the ones below and BRBO-2015-1, at the Fall 2016 meeting.
BHGU-2016-1, Black-headed Gull [one w/ a vertical head stripe and worn secondaries] – 1-6 Feb 2016, Crescent Lake, Snohomish County, Jeffrey Bryant [w], Marv Breece [w], Vickie Scales [p], William Fletcher [p], Chris Clark [p] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee agreed that two individuals were present. To be decided is whether to combine into one ‘record’ of two individuals, or to leave as two separate records.
BHGU-2016-2, Black-headed Gull [one with a face spot and fresh secondaries] – 2-14 Feb 2016, Crescent Lake, Snohomish County, Marv Breece [w], Tom Mansfield [p], Jordan Roderick [p], Gregg Thompson [p], Mark Tamboulian[p], Doug Schurman [p], Grace & Ollie Oliver [p], Ryan Merrill [p], Joshua Glant [p] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee agreed that two individuals were present. To be decided is whether to combine into one ‘record’ of two individuals, or to leave as two separate records.
BGGN-2015-1, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Eastern subspecies) – 26 Sep 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Ryan Merrill [w, p] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2016 meeting.
BGGN-2015-2, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 12 Oct – 11 Nov 2015, Neah Bay, Clallam County, Ryan Merrill [p, a], Blair Bernson [p], Doug Schurman [p], Scott Ramos [p], Jordan Gunn [p,v], Brad Waggoner [w] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2016 meeting. In addition, for this report the committee will continue to discuss whether a subspecies identity can be determined.
BGGN-2015-3, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (no subspecies determinable) – 25 Oct 2015, Cape Flattery, Clallam County, Bruce Paige [w, p] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2016 meeting.
BGGN-2015-4, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (no subspecies determinable) – 3 Nov 2015, Clallam Bay, Clallam County, Brad Waggoner [w, p], Blair Bernson [p] (Identification vote: Yes = 7; No = 0; Abstain = 0).
NOTES: The committee will discuss how many individuals make up the various fall Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings in Clallam County at the Fall 2016 meeting.
ARLO-2015-5, Arctic Loon – 20-25 Nov 2015, West Beach, Swan Lake, Whidbey Island, Island County (Yes = 0; No = 7; Abstain = 0).
LIGU-2015-1, Little Gull – 19 Sep 2015, West Seattle, King County (Yes = 0; No = 7; Abstain = 0).
ICGU-2015-1, Iceland Gull – 27 Mar 2015, Cape Avala, Clallam County (Yes = 0; No = 7; Abstain = 0).
NOWH-2016-1, Northern Wheatear – 23 Jan 2016, Graham, Pierce County (Yes = 0; No = 7; Abstain = 0).
INBU-2015-3, Indigo Bunting – 25 Sep 2015, WSU Campus, Pullman, Whitman County (Yes = 2; No = 4; Abstain = 1).