The WBRC normally meets annually in October, but often also circulates an ‘interim’ packet half-way between meetings. This allows the committee to process a number of reports where it is relatively easy to reach consensus without discussion. Because the committee does not meet in person to discuss these reports, a greater level of voting consensus is required to ‘accept’ or ‘not accept’ a report. Many reports will be carried over until the October meeting for final deliberations.
28 received 7 yes votes, and are thus passed w/o need for further discussion.
13 received 4 or more ‘no’ votes, and are thus not accepted.
1 additional report was not accepted despite the identification being confirmed, because the origin was in question
13 reports were deferred for more consideration at the next meeting.
Votes in parentheses (# accepted, # not accepted, # abstain)
[Notations: p=photo, v = video, a = audio, s = sketch]
EMGO-2013-1, Emperor Goose – Gardiner Boat Launch, Jefferson, Clallam County, 16 December 2013 – 23 February, 2014, Bill Parker [p], Vince Lucas [p], Cara Borre [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Denny Van Horn (7-0-0).
MOPE-2013-1, Mottled Petrel – Second Beach, Clallam County, 5 October 2013, COASST [fide Charlie Wright] Sue Keilman and Scott Horton (7-0-0).
SNEG-2013-2, Snowy Egret – Potholes area, Grant County, 4-8 September 2013, Ron Freisz [p], Michael Hobbs (7-0-0).
BWHA-2013-6, Broad-winged Hawk – East Fish Lake, Chelan, Chelan County, 3 October 2013, Jenny Graevell, Tim Gallagher [p], Heather Murphy (7-0-0).
LSAP-2013-2, Lesser Sand-Plover – Bottle Beach, Grays Harbor County, 7 September 2013, Bill Tweit [p] (7-0-0).
UPSA-2013-1, Upland Sandpiper – Ocean Shores, Oyhut WA, Grays Harbor County, 6-7 September 2013, Bob Sundstrom, Cara Borre, Åsta Tobiassen [p], Stefan Schlick [p], Carol Riddell (7-0-0).
TBMU-2013-3, Thick-billed Murre – Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, Clallam County, 28 December 2013 – approx 2 February 2014, Bob Boekelheide, Carol Riddell (7-0-0).
TBMU-2014-1, Thick-billed Murre – off Westport, Grays Harbor County, 25 January 2014, Bill Tweit, Brad Waggoner [p], Ryan Shaw [p] (7-0-0).
SCMU-2013-6, Scripps’s Murrelet – Westport Pelagic, Grays Harbor County, 7 September 2013, Bill Tweit, Doug Schurman [p] (7-0-0).
SCMU-2013-7, Scripps’s Murrelet – Westport Pelagic, Grays Harbor County,19 October 2013, Doug Schurman[p], Bill Tweit (7-0-0).
RLKI-2013-1, Red-legged Kittiwake – off shore, Pacific County,24 September 2013, Ed Boyd[p], Owen Schmidt [p] (7-0-0).
LIGU-2013-1, Little Gull – Point-No-Point, Kitsap County, 6-13 October 2013, Matt Bartels, Grace & Ollie Oliver [p], Cara Borre [v] (7-0-0).
ICGU-2013-2, Iceland Gull – Hobuck Beach, Clallam County, 27 October 2013, Steve Mlodinow [p], Brad Waggoner [p], Ryan Shaw[p], Ryan Merrill [p] (7-0-0).
ICGU-2013-3, Iceland Gull – Hobuck Beach, Clallam County, 27 October 2013 – 3 November 2013, Fanter Lane [p], Chazz Hesselein [p] (7-0-0).
ICGU-2013-4, Iceland Gull – Howard Miller Steelhead Park, Skagit County, 29 October 2013, Ryan Merrill [p] (7-0-0).
ICGU-2013-5, Iceland Gull – Colville Flats, Stevens County, 12 November 2013, Jon Isacoff [p] (7-0-0).
ICGU-2014-1, Iceland Gull – Swallows Park, Clarkston, Asotin County, 18 January – 21 February 2014, Ryan Shaw [p], Keith Carlson [p], Mike Clarke [p], Denny Granstrand [p], Andy Stepniewski, Ellen Stepniewski [p] (7-0-0).
ICGU-2014-2, Iceland Gull – Centralia, Goodrich Rd., Lewis County, 1 February 2014, Bill Tweit [p], Bill Shelmerdine (7-0-0).
VEFL-2013-1, Vermilion Flycatcher – Ridgefield NWR, Clark County, 26 November – 6 December 2013, Ron Friesz[p], Jack Williamson [p], Brian Pendleton [p] (7-0-0).
TEWA-2013-2, Tennessee Warbler – Sprague Lake Resort, Lincoln County, 8 September 2013, Jon Isacoff [p] (7-0-0).
TEWA-2013-3, Tennessee Warbler – Washtucna, Adams County, 19 July 2013, Lily Ann Plumb [p] (7-0-0).
TEWA-2013-4, Tennessee Warbler – Potholes SP, Grant County, 18-23 November 2013, Matt Yawney [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Brian Pendleton [p], David Pendleton[p], Doug Schurman [p] (7-0-0).
RFSP-2013-2, “Red” Fox Sparrow – Sprague Lake, Adams County, 12 October 2013, Jon Isacoff [p] (7-0-0).
RFSP-2014-1, “Red” Fox Sparrow – Corkindale, Skagit County, 4 January 2014, Ryan Merrill [p] (7-0-0).
RFSP-2014-2, “Red” Fox Sparrow – Olympia, Thurston County, 19-22 February 2014, Anders Price [p] (7-0-0).
SUTA-2013-1, Summer Tanager – West Seattle, King County, 29 November 2013, Suzy Hunter (7-0-0).
PABU-2013-1, Painted Bunting – Neah Bay, Clallam County, 27 September, 2013, Brad Waggoner, Dan Waggoner [p], Jon Isacoff [p] (7-0-0).
HORE-2013-3, Hoary Redpoll – Hungry Hollow, Okanogan County, 18 February, 2013, Scott Carpenter [p] (7-0-0).
TABG-2013-1, Taiga Bean Goose – Federal Center, King County, 1 October 2013 (0-7-0).
ARLO-2014-1, Arctic Loon – Discovery Bay, Jefferson County, 24 January 2014 (1-5-1).
SNEG-2013-3, Snowy Egret – Puget Island, Wahkiakum County, 27-29 December 2013 (1-6-0).
BWHA-2013-2, Broad-winged Hawk – Naches Pass, King & Kittitas County, 11 September 2013 (3-4-0).
BWHA-2013-3, Broad-winged Hawk – I-5 north of Everett, Snohomish County, 3 October 2013 (2-5-0).
BWHA-2013-4, Broad-winged Hawk – East Fish Lake, Chelan, Chelan County, 4 October 2013 (1-6-0).
LBMU-2013-2, Long-billed Murrelet – Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, Clallam County, 29 December 2013 (0-7-0).
ICGU-2013-6, Iceland Gull – Gog-le-hi-te Wetlands, Tacoma, Pierce County, 21 December 2013 (2-5-0).
ICGU-2014-3, Iceland Gull – Nisqually NWR, Thurston County, 5 February 2014 (1-5-1).
ICGU-2014-4, Iceland Gull – Howard Amon Park, Richland, Benton County, 17 February 2014 (0-7-0).
GRKI-2013-1, Green Kingfisher – Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, 21-29 October 2013 (0-7-0).
SIAC-2014-1, Siberian Accentor – Kent, King County, 5 January 2014 (0-7-0).
BAWW-2013-2, Black-and-white Warbler – Discovery Park, Seattle, King County, 26 September 2013 (2-5-0).
(ID accepted, but not accepted because of origin)
RUSH-2013-1, Ruddy Shelduck – Monroe Landing, Whidbey Island, Island County, 14 October 2013 (ID: 7-0-0; Origin: 0-6-1).