Fall 2015 – Committee Meeting


The WBRC met on October 24, 2015 at the Slater Museum for its annual meeting.

39 reports were accepted as valid new records.
3 additional records were accepted as sightings of records previously accepted at an earlier meeting.
24 reports were not accepted
1 decision was tabled for further research

The WBRC accepted one species new to the state list: Red-flanked Bluetail, seen at a private location in spring 2015. In addition, the first record of the Siberian subspecies of American Pipit was accepted, and the first record of the eastern subspecies of Blue-gray Gnatcatcher was accepted.

The official state list now stands at 511 species.

Votes in parentheses (# accepted, # not accepted, # abstain)
[Notations: p=photo, v = video, a = audio, s = sketch]


EMGO-2014-1 Emperor Goose 10/5 – 11/15/14 – Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor County, Mike Charest[p], Eric Heisey [w, p], Meta Bray [w,p] (7-0-0).

BESW-2015-1 “Bewick’s” Tundra Swan 1/25/15 – Steigerwald Lake NWR, Clark County, Skip Russell [w, p] (7-0-0).

STAL-2015-2 Short-tailed Albatross 8/15/15 – 1-3 mile north of Tattoosh Island, Clallam County, PAWS [w,p] fide Ryan Merrill (7-0-0).

MUPE-2015-1 Murphy’s Petrel 5/8/15 – 46.0638x-125.2267 , Pacific County, Brad Waggoner [w] (6-1-0).

GRSH-2015-1 Great Shearwater 6/27/15 – Westport Pelagic trip, Grays Harbor County, G. Scott Mills [w, p], Nick Ratcliff [p] (7-0-0).

GRSH-2015-2 Great Shearwater 8/15/15 – Westport Pelagic trip, Grays Harbor County, Chris Warlow [w,p], G. Scott Mills [w,p], Josh Parks [p], Terry Little [p], Mike Charest [p] (7-0-0).

BRBO-2014-3 Brown Booby 9/20/14 – Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor County, Paul Woodcock (7-0-0).

BRBO-2015-1 Brown Booby 8/21/15 – Edmonds, Snohomish County, Josh Adams [w], Blair Bernson [w,p], George Pagos [p], John Puschock [p] (7-0-0).

BRBO-2015-2 Brown Booby 9/6/15 – Westport Pelagic trip, Grays Harbor County, Bill Tweit [w], Mikey Lutmerding [p] (7-0-0).

LSAP-2015-1 Lesser Sand-Plover 8/16-22/15 – Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor County, Blair Bernson [w,p], Tim Boyer [w,p], Mike Charest [p], Keith Carlson [p] (7-0-0).

RNST-2015-1 Red-necked Stint 7/5/15 – Yukon Bay, Kitsap County, Chazz Hesselein [w, p] (7-0-0).

RNST-2015-2 Red-necked Stint 8/7/15 – Sand Point, Olympic National Park, Clallam County, Dave Parent [w] (6-1-0).

LBMU-2015-1 Long-billed Murrelet 7/27/15 – Shark Reef Sanctuary, Lopez Island, San Juan County, Ryan Merrill [w,p] (6-0-1).

SCMU-2014-3 Scripps’s Murrelet 9/6/14 – Westport Pelagic trip, Grays Harbor County, G.Scott Mills [w,p], David Larson [p], Michael Donahue [w,p] (7-0-0).

SCMU-2014-5 Scripps’s Murrelet 9/7/14 – Westport Pelagic trip – chum spot, Grays Harbor County, Stephen Hayes [w, p], Jim Danzenbaker [w] (7-0-0).

GUMU-2015-1 Guadalupe Murrelet 8/1/15 – Grays Canyon, Grays Harbor County, Ryan Merrill [w, s] (7-0-0).

SCMU/GUMU-2014-6 Scripps’s/Guadalupe Murrelet 9/28/14 – Westport Pelagic trip, Pacific County, G Scott Mills [w] (7-0-0)

RLKI-2015-1 Red-legged Kittiwake 9/8/15 – Neah Bay, Clallam County, Brad Waggoner [w, p], Charlie Wright [w,p] (7-0-0).

SBGU-2014-2 Slaty-backed Gull 10/26 – 11/1/2014 – Waatch River Mouth, Clallam County, Steve Mlodinow [p, w], Ryan Shaw[p], Ryan Merrill [p] (7-0-0).

WWDO-2015-1 White-winged Dove 5/17-18/15 – Renton, King County, Linda & Wayne Bosshart [w,p] (7-0-0).

YBCU-2015-1 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 6/4/15 – Big Valley Trail, Mazama, Okanogan County, Victor Glick & Libby Schreiner [w, a] (7-0-0).

CRCA-2015-1 Crested Caracara 11 June – 5 July 2015 – Skykomish, King County, Carol Riddell [p], Ann Marie Wood [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Jeff Mills [p], George Pagos [p], Scott Ramos [p], Barbara Webster [p], Dan Sweeters [p, v], Doug Schurman [p] (7-0-0).

BGGN-2014-1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, eastern subspecies 11/7-10/14 – Neah Bay, Clallam County, Brad Waggoner [w, p], Michael Charest [p], Alan Richards [w] (ID: 7-0-0; Eastern subspecies vote: 6-1-0).

RFBL-2015-1 Red-flanked Bluetail 3/26-4/4/15 – Ferndale, Whatcom County, Paul Woodcock [w,p], Victor Burgett [w,p], Brad Waggoner [p], Charlie Wright [p], Dave Slager [p], Matt Bartels [w] (7-0-0). STATE FIRST RECORD.

AMPI-2014-1 “Siberian” American Pipit 11/8-9/2014 – Hobuck Beach, Clallam County, Fanter Lane [p], Charlie Wright [w] (7-0-0).

OVEN-2015-1 Ovenbird 6/18/15 – Tieton Marsh, Yakima County, Joanne Spitler [w] Fide Denny Granstrand (7-0-0).

BAWW-2015-1 Black-and-White Warbler 24 June – 17 July 2015 – St. Cloud Wayside, Skamania County, Cathy Flick [w], John Davis [p], Chuck Jensen [p] (7-0-0).

CSWA-2015-1 Chestnut-sided Warbler 6/9/15 – Horn Rapids, Benton County, Keith Abel [w, p] (7-0-0).

CSWA-2015-2 Chestnut-sided Warbler 8/31/15 – Fish Hook Park, Walla Walla County, Mike & Merry Lynn Denny [w] (7-0-0).

CSWA-2015-3 Chestnut-sided Warbler 9/6/15 – Discovery Park, Seattle, King County, Evan Houston [w], Ryan Merrill [p], [Scott Ramos], Jordan Gunn [p] (7-0-0).

BLPW-2015-2 Blackpoll Warbler 9/5/15 – Potholes North, Grant County, Matt Yawney [w, p] (7-0-0).

BLPW-2015-3 Blackpoll Warbler 9/6/15 – Bainbridge Island, Lovgren, Kitsap County, Brad Waggoner [w,p] (7-0-0).

BTBW-2014-1 Black-throated Blue Warbler 12/20/14 – 4/2/15 – Bothell, Snohomish County, Dmitri Vargas [w,p], Doug Schurman [p], Jason Vassallo [p], Brian Pendleton [p], Jordan Gunn [p], Jeff Mills [p], George Pagos [p], Scott Ramos [p], Tom Mansfield [p], Grace & Ollie Oliver [p], Brian Bell [p] (7-0-0).

TBFS-2015-1 “Thick-billed” Fox Sparrow 6/21/2015, 6/25/15 – Snowden Rd., above White Salmon, Klickitat County, Stuart Johnston [w], Cathy Flick [w] (7-0-0).

RFSP-2015-2 “Red” Fox Sparrow 4/13/15 – Diablo, Whatcom County, Ryan Merrill [w, p] (6-0-1).

INBU-2015-1 Indigo Bunting 6/13/15 – West Sequim, Clallam County, Grace Niemyer [p] fide Denny Van Horn (7-0-0).

INBU-2015-2 Indigo Bunting 8/28/15 – Sprague, Lincoln County, Terry Little [w] (6-0-1).

DICK-2015-1 Dickcissel 6/3-8/15 – Hardy Canyon, Yakima County, Doug Schurman [p], George Pagos [p], Matt Bartels [a], Brian Bell [w], Michael Hobbs [w,s], Tom Mansfield [p], Chris Lindsey [p], Jordan Gunn [p] (7-0-0).

OROR-2015-1 Orchard Oriole 2/16 – 3/25/15 – Ocean City, Grays Harbor County, Ervin (Joe) Schumacker [w,p], Dianna Moore [fide?], Brad Waggoner [w, p], Paul Lehman [w] (6-0-1).


Slaty-backed Gull continuing from fall 2014 through May 2015, then returning in August 2015 – Tacoma, Pierce County, Gregg Thompson [p], George Pagos [p], Michael Charest [p] (7-0-0).– Accepted as a continuing record of SBGU-2013-1, present in the same location at least since 2013.

Eastern Wood-Pewee 7/30-8/19/15 – Lind Coulee Trail’s End Farm, Grant County, Matt Yawney [p,v], Matt Bartels [a] (7-0-0)– Accepted as a continuing record of EAWP-2013-1, present in 2013 and 2014 at the same location.

Black-and-White Warbler 3/2/15 – Spokane, Spokane County, Jon Isacoff [w, p] (7-0-0) – Accepted as a continuing record of BAWW-2014-5, previously accepted from the same location.


ARLO-2015-4 Arctic Loon, 3/23/15 – Vashon Island, King County (0-7-0).

STAL-2015-1 Short-tailed Albatross, 5/8/15 – Off Waatch point, Clallam County (0-7-0).

SNEG-2014-2 Snowy Egret, 12/29/14 – Puget Island, Wahkiakum County (0-7-0).

SPRE-2015-1 Spotted Redshank, 7/16/15 – Nisqually NWR, Thurston County (0-7-0).

TBMU-2015-2 Thick-billed Murre, 5/8/15 – “The Straits” off Port Angeles, Clallam County (1-6-0).

SCMU-2014-4 Scripps’s Murrelet, 9/7/14 – Westport Pelagic – just on canyon edge, Grays Harbor County (0-7-0).

BHGU-2014-1 Black-headed Gull, 10/19/14 – Everett, Snohomish County (0-7-0).

BHGU-2015-1 Black-headed Gull, 1/3/15 in WA, 1/2-11/15 in OR – McNary Dam, Benton County (WA occurrence: 1-6-0).

LETE-1976-1 Least Tern, 5/31/76 – Cape Disappointment, Pacific County (WA occurrence: 2-5-0).

WWDO-2015-2 White-winged Dove, all summer , 2015 – Spanaway, Pierce County (0-7-0).

ALFL-2015-1 Alder Flycatcher, 6/19/15 – Icicle Creek, Leavenworth, Chelan County (2-4-1).

BTAC-2015-1 Black-throated Accentor, 6/5/15 – Issaquah, King County (0-7-0).

BWWA-2012-2 Blue-winged Warbler, 5/31/12 – Clarkston Heights, Asotin County (0-7-0).

BAWW-2015-2 Black-and-White Warbler, 6/25/15 – Vashon Island, King County (1-6-0).

BAWW-2015-3 Black-and-White Warbler, 8/2/15 – North Potholes, Grant County (0-7-0).

BAWW-2015-4 Black-and-white Warbler, 8/25/15 – Cle Elum, Kittitas County (5-2-0).

BAWW-2015-5 Black-and-White Warbler, 9/7/15 – Magnuson Park, Seattle, King County (0-7-0).

BLPW-2014-2 Blackpoll Warbler, 9/2/14 – Ferndale, Whatcom County (0-6-1).

BLPW-2015-1 Blackpoll Warbler, 5/24/15 – Calispell Lake, Pend Oreille County (0-7-0).

BLPW-2014-1 Blackpoll Warbler, 9/21/14 – Washtucna, Adams County (4-3-0).

YTWA-2015-1 Yellow-throated Warbler, 6/20/15 – Headgates, Asotin Creek, Asotin County (0-7-0).

RFSP-2015-1 “Red” Fox Sparrow, 2/14-16/15 – Bingen, Klickitat County (2-5-0).

SCTA-2015-1 Scarlet Tanager, 3/3/15 – Lakewood, Pierce County (0-7-0).

COGR-2015-1 Common Grackle, 6/14/15 – Toppenish NWR, Yakima County (0-6-1).


TBFS-2005-1 “Thick-billed” Fox Sparrow 2/26/05 – Ebey Island, Snohomish County.

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