Loma Pendergraft on “Clever, Curious, and Charismatic Crows”

November 4, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Online only (Zoom)
Meetings Coordinator

Loma Pendergraft on “Clever, Curious, and Charismatic Crows”

The antics of crows, ravens, and other Corvids—have captivated our imaginations throughout history. Many of our myths, legends and stories revolve around the astonishing brainpower these birds possess. But what is fact and what is fiction? Join us while we discuss fun facts about crows, the capabilities (and limits) of their intelligence, and the research that scientists at the University of Washington have conducted on these fascinating birds.” Loma Pendergraft earned his Ph.D. studying crow behavior at the University of Washington. He currently works for the UW as an instructor of animal behavior and wildlife science. Visit his website: https://lomapendergraft.com

Go to the Monthly Meetings page https://wos.org/monthly-meetings/ to connect with the meeting via Zoom.

This presentation will be by Zoom only. It will be recorded and also will be available later on WOS’s YouTube Channel for viewing.

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